
Our pioneering therapeutic songwriting course draws upon the latest research regarding this exciting development in music therapy. The aim of our latest program is to assess and support the mental health and wellbeing of children and adults of all ages, by attending a short course where participants are encouraged to write their own song and record it in a style of their choice.

No previous experience in making music is necessary, as trained personnel will tailor their guidance to each individual’s interests, abilities and strengths. A qualified music therapist will lead every session assisted by a music recording engineer and local musicians. At the end of the course, participants are presented with a professionally produced version of their song along with suggestions for future activities and support.

Participants can self-refer to the course via the NHS social prescribing pathway, their G.P. or health care professional. Client groups who could benefit include those in assessment or recently discharged from inpatient services. Symptoms that can be addressed include depression, anxiety, personality disorder, autistic spectrum disorders, ADHD, OCD, PTSD and social isolation.



The preemptive assessments and monitoring inherent in this recovery-based program could identify the early markers that precede acute illness. The collaborative processes of engaging in various songwriting methods including improvisation, composition, creative writing and performance within a therapeutic relationship, can address psychosocial, emotional, cognitive and communication issues.

This program’s informal and bespoke therapy sessions attempt to encourage deeper personal insights during an organic journey of artistic self-expression. The course is positioned to provide long-term benefits by promoting pragmatic skill development, nurturing self-esteem and triggering a catharsis of self-discovery.


‘Music Mondays’ Songwriting course at Bulwell Riverside Centre in Nottingham.